
Purpose and Objectives

Purchase of land as land expansion Bedali Darussalam Foundation aims to establish educational institutions of formal and non-formal, Including:

  1. Boarding school memorizing Quran
  2. Boarding school for orphans and the poor
  3. Islamic Kindergarten
  4. Islamic Primary School
  5. Islamic Middle School
  6. Islamic High School
  7. Islamic College

Land Location

The location of the land to be acquired in the south of the foundation's office, which is located on Jl. Wijaya Kusuma intersection Bedali - Lawang - Malang. For more details, please see the attachment Google map on contact page.


After the formation of Darussalam Foundation based on notarial deed issued by Hendrarto Hadisuryo, SH number 35 in 2013, then the founders immediately to form a board of trustees Darussalam Bedali composition, while the composition of the board of trustees can be seen on Management page.

Funds Needed

Area of land to be purchased is 2045 square meters, while the price of land per square meter is Rp. 200.000, - (two hundred thousand Rupiah). Then the total requirement of funds is Rp. 409 000 000, - (four hundred and ninety million Rupiah).

Funds Source

Purchasing of this land, by using funds obtained from donors who are interested to participate buy with count meter in accordance with their respective capabilities as perpetual charity (charity will not be interrupted reward even though we already died).

Responsible and Executive Activity

Responsible for this activity is the Chairman of the Foundation Darussalam Bedali Ust. Moh. Asfan and the entire board of trustees Darussalam Bedali.